A climate-friendly approach to investing - Solutions For Financial Planning*
New investment solutions favour companies with strong strategies to reduce carbon emissions.
When I was a twelve year old student, myself and a group of other students formed our own Environment Club. We eagerly cleaned up the schoolyard and talked about how pollution and the reduction of animal habitats were changing our world. I learned how to plant trees from my Dad although I have to say it was begrudgingly that I carried water to over 100 fir tree seedlings one spring. Saving the environment can be hard work!
It can be hard work but also controversial work. Climate change is a subject that has consistently made global headlines in recent years. And while individuals may have different opinions about it, it is my opinion that the topic won’t be going away anytime soon. In fact, more than 190 countries, including Canada, have committed to reducing their carbon footprints by 2050 by joining the Paris Agreement.
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